Home » Are you prepared for a fire?
October 1, 2017

Are you prepared for a fire?

If the unthinkable happens to you – Do you have the right coverage to put your life back together again?


Here are some of recommendations we have for you:

  • Dwelling Replacement Cost at 150% to 200% of estimated cost to re-build 
  • Loss of use at 24 Months (pays for you to maintain your current standard of living for 24 months after the loss rather than the insurance industry standard of 12 Months.
  • Personal Property coverage at a minimum of 75% of your dwelling coverage with Replacement Cost Protection. Increase your coverage on Items with “sub-limits” Like Jewelry, GUNS,, Silverware, Fine Arts, Stamps Etc – your insurance policy comes standard with a stupid low limits on these items and others – talk to your agent and make the adjustments you need.
  • Inventory EVERYTHING you own with pictures and keep that list safe and off-site
  • Keep your valuable papers (will, bank statements,etc in a fireproof safe or off-site
  • Keep a back-up of your computer with those irreplaceable pictures, passwords and financial records off-site (I use “Carbonite”, for just over $100 a year they will overnight me a hard drive that is a duplicate of what I have on my computers… worth the peace of mind – in a fire or a computer failure…)
  • Install more smoke detectors and CHANGE the batteries!
  • Limit you use of extension cords – NEVER overload them and never used anything with a frayed wire
  • Don’t use candles unless they are in a fireproof receptacle and can’t be knocked over by a child or pet
  • Keep current – recharged FIRE Extinguishers around your home


This is just a partial list of the things you can do to help prevent , prepare for and respond to a fire loss.  We hope you never have a fire – but if you do please be prepared!


Please call our office if you have any questions or would like a quote  1-888-945-1495  Ext 101



Tags: Fire, Homeowners Insurance, House Fire, Inventory, Loss of Use, Quote, Replacement Cost

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