Home » Keep the 4th of July Happy !!
June 27, 2016

Keep the 4th of July Happy !!

As we head into the holiday week a few helpful tips to keep things happy.

Fire Safety

If you are using fireworks (legal or other):
*  Have Adult (and sober) supervision at all times
*  Keep small children away
*  Keep water (hose) ready to use at all times.
*  Dispose of ALL used fireworks in a WATER FILLED bucket
*  Obey all state and local ordinances
*  DO NOT put used fireworks into your regular trash can before they have soaked overnight


*  Your pets may get stressed and try to run – keep them securely locked up
*  Try to keep them in a quiet area of your home – perhaps some background music
*  If your animal has a severe reaction – speak to your vet – this week – to see what they recommend ( medication?)


*  Lot’s of parties and alcohol – designate a 100% sober driver
*  Be extra alert for other drivers that may be drunk / DUI


Before this weekend check your homeowners policy for:
*  Deductible – how much will you have to pay if a firework lights up your life?
*  Coverage A – is your coverage sufficient to rebuild your home?
*  Coverage C – Do you have enough coverage to buy all your personal belongings new again? (Jewelry, Guns, Furs, Coins, stamps etc all have special limits (low))
*  LOSS of USE – Do you have enough coverage ( both $ limit and length of time) for your family to live elsewhere while you are being rebuilt?

Categories: Auto Aftermarket, Business/Commercial, Life

Tags: Auto, Fire Safety, Homeowners, Insurance, Pets

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